Saturday, August 22, 2009

School is coming again

Last Tuesday, we went to the orientation meeting of AL's school. The private school of AL wants that the students will have social skills mastered than having intelligence. In short, they want the kids to be able to say, "I want to go to the bathroom" first than having a mastery of the ABCs, 123s.

AL is AX' younger brother. He is an incoming pre-K student (2009-2010). It will be our first time to have a kid who will be in the mainstream. AX was immediately put into pre-K autism cluster and up until now he is still in the autism cluster (incoming 3rd grade 2009-2010) but he is in Math mainstream and Language mainstream classes. His Reading will still be in the autism cluster. As aforementioned in previous posts, he is very good in Math. He is having some issues in reading comprehension. He is reading but his comprehension needs attention.

Tomorrow will be AX' school orientation and we will all go there as a family. We have no one to leave the kids with so wherever we go, they all go with us or with me for that matter.

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