Thursday, August 28, 2008

8th Day of SY 2008 - 2009

AX was dressed in blue shirt and khaki pants when he went to school this morning. It was 6:38AM when we arrived. It was early. It is much better than worrying while driving when time is of the essence. It is around 7.5 miles from the house to the school. We must really leave on or before 7:15AM to be on time without so much hassles.

Mr. Hunter flagged me down when I was about to cross the street. He asked me about the assignment of AX. I told him that AX did the 6 items of 2-digit addition in 15 seconds. In the reading comprehension, he is having a hard time. Perhaps, it was time to him to sleep or he was really tired. It took at least 30 minutes to finish a two-sentence "reading comprehension". His father arrived and he continued what I was doing. AX was not concentrated so he really could not understand. So, we just asked him to sleep. He fell asleep in few minutes after touching the bed.

He was not given his schoolwork yet. Let us see what Friday brings.

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