Friday, September 3, 2010

AX got some marks from school again

As aforementioned, the principal called us since AX was having a tough time due to the bus drill. Well, when I picked him up yesterday at 2:35PM EST, I noticed that his left ear has marks. One can not leave marks in the ears unless they pinched him so hard by the ear. I asked the aide why he has a mark on his left ear and she said that she had not noticed it. I just dismissed it since we are also concerned how he is doing academically. When we arrived home after we ate at Taco Bell and had fun at the playground, I asked him to change his shirt because he was sweating. I noticed that he had marks again especially at the back.

I do not understand what the fuck is safety of the personnel and other students when AX is getting marks. We were told by the principal that he was being dealt with by five adults. I questioned her why would there be a need for five adults. She said, that she is fearing safety if there is only one adult with AX.

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