Saturday, September 20, 2008

25th Day of SY 2008 - 2009

It was not easy to bear another problem with the new school of AX. I am very upset that he has bruises.

The meeting took place at 1:30PM. The principal, assistant principal and ESE specialist were present. His father was the main speaker. The meeting was over in like 10 - 15 minutes. I did not like that his father did not expound on what happened to him. We had a fight over this matter. I asked the principal to issue an incident or accident report but she said that his tantrum does not warrant as such. Can you imagine that? The student with disability had bruises and two staffs (autism coach and speech therapist) saw these with their very own eyes and then no report will be issued? I told his father that we will issue our own report to the principal on Monday when we have our interim IEP. This incident needs to be documented.

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