Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meeting with the Administration (15 Sept 09)

On 10 Sept 2009, we requested for a meeting with the principal regarding our concern that AX is the only 3rd grader in the whole school who is isolated. My personal opinion on this matter is the fact that the administration (the principal, in particular) did this on a whim. She wants to get back to us especially to me who makes her on guard all the time. We arrived early to the school grounds on 15 Sept 09. We were asked to come inside for the meeting at 7:35AM, five minutes late from the scheduled time. Many people entered the room instead of the principal only and us. She introduced her assistant principal, autism coach, ESE specialist and the autism teacher. The moment she introduced the autism coach, I told the woman that it is good to meet her FINALLY after 4 weeks of classes. She is the only autism coach who is somehow not doing her job like meeting the parents, assisting the students with autism. I do not know if she knows what she has to do.

have to run,,,//

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