Friday, March 23, 2018

24 Sept 08 - 28th Day SY08-09

His father and I had an argument about school again. You see, AX is lagging behind in Reading/Language. The previous two schools where he was enrolled did not do anything to help him in Reading/Language. He cannot talk yet like us or the normal kids of his age so I am thinking, that they were of the thinking that AX cannot think. They conducted a lot of tests on him and it showed that he is on the preprimer/primer level in Reading/Language. Whose fault is that? I have been very diligent in asking them to teach him but it seemed like all my efforts were wasted. His father will tell you that it is my fault. Sad to say, I have focused on Math after school and now he is in mainstream...

More to come...

Written - 2008/2009 SY

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