Sunday, December 7, 2014

Playing Minecraft and "dying" - autism

A comment I made in one of the websites talking about autism:
Hi. We have tried Omega 3 Fatty Acids for more than a year now. I do not see that much improvement though. We have also been using Olive Oil only for like 10 years and it still does not make a difference. What we notice though is that, it comes with age, meaning, there comes a point in one's life that aggression is lessened as he grows older. Also, we are doing time-outs if he gets angry over the fact that the is taking a long time to load the video or the video is stalling or he is not yet done watching the video or he is losing/dying in Minecraft. We ask him to go to bed and just rest and behave there. Last year (12 years old), was his notorious year of aggression. This year, it has subsided significantly.



I hope he continues to have a good year and the next years thereafter. You see, we have lost like 5 tablets and 3 laptops because he was angry that he was losing in Minecraft. I know it costs money to have these and just be damaged but they are just things, so we need to move on. When he gets angry about losing or dying in Minecraft, he goes to the screen and just pierce the screen so hard as if it has a bug that has to be killed. Hence, we lost all of those.

He still plays Minecraft and this time, we told him that if he loses, he has to go to bed and rest and be calm. It has been working so far. His newest PC is still there.

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