Friday, September 26, 2008

25 Sept 08 - 29th Day SY 08 - 09

It was great to have less school time. You know why? AX will be able to learn more when he is at home. They did not mainstream him Thursday because it was an early release day. Is there anywhere in the IEP that states no mainstreaming when there is an early release day? What the heck? I call that laziness.

I dropped to the front office his Math HWs and additional Math work I asked of him to do. You see, AX is in the x2 now in the multiplication table. I let him memorize and understand that 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd numbers and 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 are even numbers. You can ask him, "What are the odd numbers? What are the even numbers?" He will tell you correctly.

After 3 days without Reading and Language HWs, they gave him today.

1 comment:

~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

I feel your frustration. I think a lot of money given to Autism programs in the public school system gets wasted.
They are lazy and if it gets a little hard, they act like is the childs fault, as if they didn't have enought to deal with, having to deal with autism.